June 30, 2011

Guess Who Got Hit By An Idiot Driver?

I was on my way home from work and running a couple errands... All I wanted to go was go home and cook dinner and a meal to take to some friends who'd just had a baby.

Instead, I get hit by an idiotic driver who couldn't be bothered to slow down and look in her side mirror before changing lanes and slamming right into my car, then rear-ending another car.

Just. Frakking. Wonderful.

I'm okay, just shaken up and really, really, really PISSED.

I'm pissed that I was minding my own damn business and got hit. I always said it wouldn't be my fault if I were in an accident.

I'm pissed because now I have to deal with insurance companies and getting my car fixed.

I'm pissed because the driver that hit us didn't even bother to look at or speak to us before leaving.

My poor little car. My favourite part is that sticky out bit. It's just lovely.

On the bright side at least the daisies are continuing to bloom. They're almost cheerful enough to make me not want to throttle that stupid idiot driver. ALMOST.

June 28, 2011

Best Coast

I'm smitten with Best Coast, especially their song Boyfriend. Kind of weird posting this song on our five year anniversary but that's the kind of nutter I am :)
And the hubs says that the way she sings reminds him of me and the way I sing. I don't get it but I'll take it. And no, I'm not singing for you guys.


Five years since our first kiss. Five years since I knew I wanted to marry you.

You are the peas to my carrots, the jelly to my peanut butter, the needle to my thread.

Thank you for five beautiful years. I love you :)

(Yeah, I realise we need newer pictures of us... that's from 2007!)

June 27, 2011


I love stroopwafels. The first time I'd had them was when I was working in Singapore years ago, and a friend had brought some home from Amsterdam.

They sound so simple -- two thin waffles with a caramel-like syrup in the middle -- but they're just delicious. I found these at Trader Joe's, and they're so good!

The Weekend In Pictures

Some pictures from our weekend...
Saturday afternoon, I told the hubs we had $5 in Borders bucks, and a 40% coupon. "Get dressed now! We gotta go!" was the response, and he never drove so fast in his life.

The tee he's wearing always cracks me up. It says "MOVIES: Ruining the book since 1920". The guy at the counter understood it wrong and said "Hmm, I should be offended by that". You should read more books, guy.

Then we met some friends for drinks and dinner.

Sunday morning started with crumpets with honey and iced coffee. Keeps me full at work.

Tried to take a picture of the setting sun... it set so quickly that by the time I took my camera out, it popped behind the trees. Damn sun.

Ahh my cutie Izzy. Lying on the couch with me while her daddy sleeps behind her, and mummy swears at hexagons.

June 24, 2011

Dinner In Three Easy Steps

Once in a while I'll ask the hubs to grab some pierogies on his way home from work when I can't be bothered to make a proper dinner. Laziness is quite delicious :)

1. Thinly slice some onions then fry them with diced Canadian bacon.

2. Par-boil the pierogies then fry them in a large pan.

3. Serve with a huge dollop of sour cream.

Yummy :)

Hexagon Project

I started putting my hexagon flowers together. My process: Sew, turn, sew, cuss, turn, sew, cuss, repeat.

I got one tiny, little corner done last night and I began to wonder how in the hell I'm going to wrangle a queen-sized top's worth of hexagon flowers when the time came. It's situations like these that swearing was invented for.

But, I love it.I think it'll be worth all the headaches because I'll end up with something I really love. At least that's what I'm telling myself :)

By the way, you see the blue hexie flower at the top right? That one's all golf balls and tees, for my Dad. I'm going to make one of strawberries for my Mum :)

June 23, 2011

Rainy Days And Mondays Always Get Me Down

My week so far in pictures. And the rain doesn't really get me down... just makes going outside slightly annoying. And damp.
It rained all day today. Finding some daisies in the garden that were starting to bloom made the rain much less annoying.

My breakfast this morning. The hubs turned me on to peanut butter on an english muffin. Sounds odd, but it's pretty yummo.

I found another cat named Matilda on a new-to-me blog called Kris Atomic! Heehee :)

The hubs, reading a book that he hopes will improve his memory. He learned to make up a song to remember a grocery list of four items. He forgot the last half of the song by the time he got home...

Isobel :)

And Matilda! She finally sat still long enough to take a proper picture :)

June 22, 2011

Pinterest = Time Suckage

I finally decided to get on Pinterest and I love finding all these new things. It's almost like sharing your scrapbook with everyone, and sneaking a peek at theirs.

(That's possibly the worst explanation of Pinterest ever. Sorry, Pinterest.)

It's become a source of severe time suckage, but I suppose it's better than doing housework :) Anyway, here's a few things I've found and pinned on my boards.

I've wanted to make jar pies for ages but couldn't be stuffed to figure out temperature and time on my own. Someone else has figured this out, so there should be many little jar pies in my future.

I don't know if it's because I've recently started delving into photography, but I love pictures of girls with cameras. This one's such a great shot... even if it is a Nikon...

(Please don't send me hate mail if you use a Nikon. Sarcasm doesn't translate well online.)

When I saw Space Dust by Tula Pink, my jaw actually fell open. It's beyond comprehension how she came up with this mind-blowing quilt.

My husband would LOVE this indoor smores maker. By the way, I've never had a smore, and I believe this oversight will keep me from getting my US citizenship if I ever apply... that and my hatred of peanut butter + chocolate together (separately they're awesome).

Hello? Is it me you're looking for? This made me laugh so hard. The hubs tells me it's not so new, I told him to shut it. Politely, of course.

June 21, 2011

Chronic Bitchface

I suffer from Chronic Bitchface. It's true. I've been afflicted all my life, and I can't count how many times someone has said to me, "You know, I always thought you were such a bitch, but you're really nice and funny". Oh yeah? Well you're still dumb. How's them apples?

Huh? Who said that? Where was I?

Oh, right. Bitchface.

I don't walk around grinning and smiling like a halfwit, so people tend to assume I'm a sourpuss. Sometimes I am, but most times there's songs from Mary Poppins and advertisement jingles playing in my head. Despite my face, I'm really a nice person. Unless you piss me off. Then you're on your own.

This drawing made me laugh because it illustrates my affliction so perfectly :)

Picture courtesy of Kris Atomic.

June 20, 2011

More Pictures From My Weekend

My hexagon flowers are coming along very nicely. I've made almost 1400 individual hexies, and have about 180+ of the little flowers sewn together so far. Sewing in front of the telly at night is super productive!

The hubs, sleeping while I sew :)

Isobel :)

I always end up taking pictures of Isobel only because she's always close to me. Matilda is always either wandering around the house or won't stay still when I try to take her picture.

Took more pictures of the hydrangeas since they've bloomed just a little more.

The other day they looked all sad and droopy because it was so boiling hot. I was just glad to see them resurrected.
And while I was out there, I saw a little bunny rabbit! He hopped away from me, stopped to peep at me out of the corner of his eyes, and stayed still as I inched closer and closer to take his picture. So cute!

A Quilt For Sophie

My cousin Carrie gave birth to her first child on June 15, and has named her Sophie. Such a pretty name :)
Months ago, I'd started a quilt for Sophie but I didn't get round to quilting it till the little bub was born. Oops.

So I got down to quilting it, and choosing a binding for it a couple of days ago. Kona Celery, I think. (I really need to write colour names on my solids...)

I chose to do the 1000 Pyramids pattern and I just love how it turned out.

I used mostly Heather Bailey fabrics... the dots are a basic from Moda and the solid is, of course, Kona Ash. As for the quilting, I simply stitched in the ditch so the triangles would stand out.

The back is mostly Kona Ash, but I put a block and a strip on there to keep it from looking too boring.
It'll be washed and then sent off to Australia for little Sophie to snuggle with :) By the way, Sophie is cousin to Dylan, who I made this quilt for.

June 18, 2011

Saturday In Pictures

The hubs waiting in line to order at our favourite Mexican place.

Hello :)

I don't know what that teacup thing is supposed to be, but I know I want it.

I love this bit of the wall in the used bookstore.

The hubs, exasperated that he can't remember a book title.

He ended up buying an original pressing of the So LP by Peter Gabriel. Awesome find.

We shared a cannoli at a wonderful Italian bakery called La Fiorentina. It was SO good.

All in all, a great day was had.

Plus today I taught my first quilting class, and even though I was nervous before, I had so much fun teaching :)


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